Thursday, April 16, 2009

April 16th

After several days of having a high white blood cell count (WBC), the doctors decided to do more testing to get to the root of the problem. As I mentioned in a previous post, the collection of fluid in Brian's abdomen is normal, but there is a chance that the fluid can become infected. Further testing revealed a bacteria in the fluid and proper antibiotics are being administered. Unfortunately, the medication has not been enough to bring his WBC down to a normal level. Another Upper GI was ordered to determine if there were any leaks in his digestive system, and a CT scan was ordered to inspect the rest of his chest abdomen and pelvis to look for additional, secondary infections. Results of the upper GI showed no leaks and the CT did not reveal other abscesses or infection in his pelvis or abdomen. However, the tests did reveal that infection has collected around his left lung. He has had a chest tube in his lung for several days to drain the fluid, but the fluid has become semi-solid and is not draining through the tube. The doctors also decided that the circumference of the catheter in his abdomen was not big enough to drain all of the infected fluid out, so it has been replaced with a larger drain. Immediately after inserting the new catheter, the fluid was draining in greater volumes, which is a good sign. As for the infection that has collected around his lungs, another surgery will be required to remove it. The doctors hope to make a small incision and use cameras to navigate around and remove the pockets of infection. While they are working to minimize the invasiveness of this surgery, they will not know how invasive it will be until they are able to have a look inside his left chest cavity. The surgery is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, and the doctors anticipate that this will extend his hospital stay by four or five days. On a more uplifting note, because there were no leaks revealed, the doctors are letting him drink clear liquids again. I've never seen a person more happy to get a Sprite.

While the prospect of another surgery is troubling, it is also a bit of a relief to have what we hope will be the answer to the question of his high WBC. I hope this will be the turning point in his recovery. Finally, while Brian is keeping a stiff upper lip he is mentally and physically exhausted. We love you all and there are no words to express our gratitude and appreciation for the kindness and support you have showed us during this struggle, but for now I ask that we hold off on any visiting until these complications are resolved. In the meantime, I will do my best to keep this blog as up-to-date as possible so that you are all in the loop.


  1. Bethany,
    I am so sorry to hear about another surgery for Brian but will be thinking about and praying for both of you. If there is anything I can do for you please let me know.

  2. Nikki Lilly-MurphyApril 17, 2009 at 3:04 PM

    Great job on the updates Bethany. We have been thinking about you guys a lot and the girls/boys from Bama are wishing Brian the best.

    We miss and love you both...enough with the mushy stuff, tell Brian I said to suck it!

  3. Brian,
    Know that you are in my thoughts. Hang in there.


  4. Brian and Bethany
    I am Tracey (Kari's friend from her work)
    I want you both to know I am thinking of you and praying for a successful recovery!!!
    I have lost two brothers about 7 years ago and can somewhat understand what you all are going thru.
    Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help out with anything!! I know you really don't know me but I really mean it that I will help out in any way I can!!
    Stay strong and take things one day at a time.
